13 noiembrie 2008


Putina candoare dream-pop de la M83...

M83 - Up!

M83 - Up!

If I clean my rocket
We'll go flying today
And we'll hit the pockets
Of warm and crispy air

Oh you lovely boy you smell so sweet
We ride so well
And we load our pistols as we perch upon
My razor wings
Up to the planets up to the bodies of the galaxy
We fly we feed we suck we bleed we need...

If I clean my rocket
We'll go flying today
And we'll hit the pockets
Of warm and crispy air

Oh we flee the scene of our little crime
We feel so free
But the hounds of law they bite our heels
As we retreat
Up to the planets up to the bodies of the galaxy
Of the galaxy we fly we feed we suck we bleed we need...

Un comentariu:

SunSet(h) spunea...

un:Draguta linia melodica.
doi:o sa incerc sa-mi tarasc trupul obosit pe 27.ba chiar o sa-mi pun o entitate superioara sa-mi traga un sut in fund pana acolo.
trei:domnul ala e acel ceva care te impiedica sa faci altceva
sase:tu iti pieptani parul de 100 de ori ?